Not All Women Are Like That! (NAWALT)
"Meanwhile, as long as there's still one honest woman living at the temple atop Mount NAWALT in Tibet..." -- White Knight
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Click Pic for "Generalizing in a Politically Correct World" |
What happens is, men, knowing that most women are fucked up in a malevolent way, start to think to themselves, hey, they can’t ALL be like that. This is true. There is a certain (extremely small) percentage of westernized women who aren’t like this. So, the man, being more clued in than most men, starts to think to himself, "Well, all I gotta do is figure which women are like this and only go after them." Or, they think, "Well, all I need to do is change my behavior so that only nice, normal women, develop relationships with me." ALOT of us have been there, including myself, more than once, mind you.
The problem with this is the “woman who is the exception” phenomena. What’s going on here is the knowledge that something is seriously wrong with women is starting to become widespread. A great many men are looking at women who display warning signs and avoiding them. More often, they are taking steps to prevent relationships from becoming too deep (ie, they avoid monogamy, avoid living together and avoid marriage like the plague). This causes a problem for the average predatory female. The worst can’t get a man, at all. And most find that all the desirable men are putting severe limits on their power over them. So, to cope with this, they have come up with the “woman who is the exception” phenomena. What they do is present a facade that they aren’t like all the other women. They go out of their way to present themselves as normal, mentally healthy, committed and loving. Unfortunately, it is a lie. As soon as you surrender even the least bit of power to them, they reveal themselves as just like everyone else. Women who actually are the exception are EXTREMELY rare. Women who pretend to be the exception are common as dirt (and you WILL meet one, trust me). You cannot tell the difference. You will find yourself in a bad situation with no power to prevent it.
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Click Pic for "The Fraud of Modern Marriage" |
Everything in this life has a cost. This is the cost of dating American women. If you don’t pay it, you’ll pay much more in other ways. Most men want a woman who is not like this. But, realistically, you aren’t going to find her here.
Captain Free-Therapist
The problem with Captain Free Therapist is he thinks women are good girls. They’re not. With the possible exception of your mother and your sister, they are all horny little sluts. That crying jag when you first met her? She doesn’t care that she broke up with her boyfriend. That’s not why she is crying. She’s crying to attract the attention of some guy who will fuck her. Sad, but true. But any guy who would possibly try to, ummm, make her feel better or even be nice to her, just doesn’t fit the bill.

best asset protection policy is the one that she doesn’t know about
(relying on financial privacy for protection) and that takes disputes
outside of the rogue divorce court.
a divorce attorney before you get married to discuss all the nasty
things that can happen during a divorce is a solid investment in your
future. As is hiring a specialist in this type of protection to counsel
you on what actually works and what doesn’t.
Celibacy Doesn't Equal Immunity
A lot of guys I’ve known have thought they are immune when they aren’t dating and mating. Every single one of them got royally burned by the “woman who is the exception”. What happened was they were so starved for intimacy that they became a prime mark for some woman. Realizing that this was one of the men who know something is very wrong with women, she proceeds to pretend that she is the one woman in a million who isn’t like that. And for a while, she is. What happens is the man is so overjoyed at finally having some pussy that he turns a blind eye a few months later when things subtly (or not so subtly) change. He ignores “dings” (odd inconsistencies in what a woman does or says). He ignores warning signs and allows the woman to get a death lock on his life by moving in and/or getting pregnant. Sometimes she is actually able to convince him to get married, even with extreme warning signs (Honey, I know I was a drug prostitute during college but I’m a different person now, hehehe).
No man thinks it can happen to him. But it will.
Choosing Not To Marry Is Much More Involved than Just Saying, "Hey, I Don't Want To Be Married"
Choosing not to marry is much more involved than just saying, “Hey, I don’t want to be married”. Perhaps, the number one rule involved is you must never allow a woman to live with you for any reason. You WILL constantly run into various reasons why your current woman “needs” to move in with you “temporarily”. I use the quotes because near 100% of the time, the reason is contrived and the temporary will somehow become permanent. Understand that a master is trying to manipulate you. Whatever reason pops up will look natural, innocuous and important enough for you to consider breaking the rule. Your biggest enemy will be not having access to sex and affection from other sources, making that particular woman too important to you. If you care too much, she will use this against you 100% of the time and you won’t suspect a thing because you will think she is better than that (right up until the time she screws you over).
The best defence against this is to simply date multiple people. You never tell them about eachother except to let them know in no uncertain terms that you see other people on a regular schedule that is absolutely none of their business. You must constantly be looking to add new women to this list because the old one will cycle out at a rate anywhere from a few dates (by date, I mean you have sex with them and do something fun you want to do with them) to a couple of years. The relationship is time limited (it’s ALWAYS time limited, no matter what you do….date, get serious, get married, whatever… exceptions). The idea here is you and she ain’t close enough for her to ask for a major favor (like a place to live for awhile). And, you certainly aren’t moving toward any type of relationship. This directly contradicts what most women SAY they want with a man. Luckily, they are completely full of shit and will screw a man on a regular basis when they barely know him. All women do this (well, all women would do this but some are just too inexperienced or too scared or too nuts to do this)…..they just do it only while going through certain ”phases”. In other words, when looking for women to add to your harem, nothing about you really matters and how you relate to a woman is of minor importance. What matters is timing. Is that particular woman in “whore” mode or not (about 50/50). Next, has she decided she would sleep with you (about 10%) which is almost entirely random but different women limit themselves to a specific social class (determined by how you dress and act) at any particular time. What really matters is, would she sleep with you, right now. This also is entirely random, but a good rule of thumb is, for any man, a random 1% of all women you come into contact with, will sleep with you.
The trick is to recognize her and then add her to your list of women you screw. With three or four pearls on a string, you become almost immune to manipulation. Certainly, you won’t hesitate to tell a woman to fucking get lost; especially if you are hot to add someone new.
Click for "Woman: The Most Responsible Teenager in the House?" |
Types of Bad Advice
There is a big problem with well meaning but ignorant people, and some not so well-meaning types with a woman-only agenda spreading bad advice about how to handle the problem. They fall into three general categories:
1. Do more – The problem is that you aren’t doing enough for your woman, working hard enough at the relationship, aren’t good enough somehow or have to change in some other way.
2. Expect less – The problem is what you want from women is unreasonable and no person could meet up to your standard.
3. That’s just the way things are – Usually some dreck that attempts to explain what women are doing as a function of some leftover instincts from our evolution. Since it’s hardwired, you can’t do anything about it and just have to accept your lot in life.
There is one thing all of these theories have in common…..they don’t work. Strategies based on them have absolutely no effect whatsoever on the situation. I would say they were untrue (mostly because bad people are intentionally lying to cause you some harm) but there is little point in that because there is no way to prove or disprove them. Instead, I have different criteria to judge them by. Does the theory suggest behaviours that make things better? The answers for these three categories is a very strong no.
So what does? Pretty much assuming the opposite. You should do less, demand more, and assume that you can (and should) choose your behaviours with some goal in mind. Instead of worrying about if you have enough money or some other nebulous criteria by which you are judged, you should instead be judging women as to if they are good enough to spend any of your valuable time on.
The Moral Hazard of Marriage
“Find a good wife if you can?” I’m pretty sure you’re kidding.
The idea that this debate is just about “finding a good wife” would be shortsighted. It’s not just about the “goodness” of a woman or the snake handler’s creed of “picking the right one” because he has insight and faith, it’s also about the moral hazard of the institution.
The reason we condemn and discourage moral hazards in every other facet of life has nothing to do with the person’s genitals. I know of no other contractual agreements that encourage a moral hazard, let alone celebrate it with a catered party and DJ.
We wouldn’t recommend covering your body with hundred dollar bills and walking around with the vapid advice of “it’s just important to find the right neighborhood” to wander through so you’re not mugged.
Moral hazards in all other areas of life apply to men AND women because the planet is devoid of saints and psychics. The brash absurdity of ignoring that is only exceeded by the depth of its treachery.
To recommend that someone enter into a binding contract that gave them the responsibilities and their partner the benefits would be irresponsible.
If that contract could be unilaterally dissolved so that your partner was given your assets, given your kids as collateral and forced you to give half of your income to a partnership from which you could no longer derive benefit, that would be irresponsible.
If that contract rewarded one partner with cash and prizes while putting the other partner in the life threatening position of going to jail for an inability to pay, no matter how justified, that recommendation leaps from irresponsible to reprehensible.
Marriage is an institution that not only codifies moral hazard into law but enforces that criminal and immoral behavior with the backing of the world’s most powerful policing agency.
Marriage has transformed into band of thieves colluding to indenture men for the purpose of extracting resources.
Let me know when women transform into saints and can resist what no one in the history of the planet has ever been able to; the temptation to use power to gain what you didn’t earn.
Sorry ladies, just pick out a cat and leave us our God given liberty.